
When I ate at Arpége, I wasn't sure if I would even be able to make it through the meal. Upon waking up the day before, I quickly discovered that I had fallen victim to some variety of stomach bug, and I was in pretty bad shape. After regretfully calling them to push back my reservation, I spent the afternoon passed out with a fever and only finally managed to keep down a thimble-size (read: French size) portion of yogurt later that night while I watched Persepolis with my Airbnb hosts, which in reality involved me falling asleep on the couch while they watched Perseopolis.
Unfortunately, the whole change in plans meant that I was going to have to eat at both Arpége and Astrance in the same day. I know, I know. A true first world problem. But really, it would have been a bit much even in the best of circumstances. And at this time, I didn't know how I was going to feel in the morning, especially if I ate, but I did know that there was no way that I was going to let myself miss out on these reservations. At Arpége, I opted for the vegetarian menu, both for my stomach's sake and also because if there's a chef that not only offers but is known for a vegetable menu, you take advantage of that rare opportunity. Thankfully, it went remarkably well. Alain Passard told me at the end of the meal, "I am your doctor!", and maybe he was right - maybe this meal was exactly what I needed.
Egg Yolk, Cream, Sherry Vinegar, Maple Syrup
[During this trip, I saw *real* maple syrup featured on several tasting menus. I guess that growing up in the Northeast, where we're all used to regularly slathering our pancakes and breakfast items with excessive amounts of the real deal, I was a bit amused to see it touted as a luxury item. Maybe next time, I should bring a few bottles over with me, and I can fund my trip?]
Trio of Beets. Sweet and Sour Sauce of Honey, Lemon, and Olive Oil
Date: March 2016