Toraya Ichijo

Located minutes away from the Imperial Palace in Kyoto is the oldest operating location of Toraya, a wagashi confectionery maker. Here, you can enjoy their signature sweets as well as a menu of other Japanese desserts and beverages while overlooking a traditional Japanese garden. Also available at this location is a small collection of books on Japanese culture and wagashi.
We had decided to eat a late “breakfast” at the cafe to start off what was the most inadvisably-ambitious eating day of the entire trip. After arriving and finding out that the cafe opening hours were actually one hour later than the next door Toraya store, with time to kill, we ambled over to the Palace gift shop and cafe, where we pregamed with a katsusando and yuzu ice cream.
After returning, I proved once again that my eyes are bigger than my stomach, as we each ordered dessert, but I - I ordered four additional wagashi. What I thought would be bite-sized pieces turned out to be, to my horror, each about the size of a middle-schooler’s fist. It was all delicious, even if the most on-brand, poor choice to start a day of intense, nonstop eating.
Later this same trip:
Date: September 2019