Block Island

Block Island is a small island just off the coast of Rhode Island, and it is a place that every Rhode Islander is greatly familiar with. I've always said that when we live in a place, it's inevitable to feel like we've missed out on things when we leave because there isn't the same sense of urgency to see and do things like when we're just visiting, and during the six years that I lived in Rhode Island, one of those things for me was Block Island. Now, I try to go about once a year, usually in September or October, when the summer heat has cooled down and the tourists have flocked back home.
The thing to do is to rent bikes or mopeds and leisurely making your way around. You arrive in a small town, and to the left, there are bluffs and a lighthouse, and throughout there are beaches and cute, coastal cottages. And as long as your thighs don't give out as quickly as mine, you could spend hours exploring. (seriously guys, thighs on fire.)
Practical information: You can catch the ferry in Galillee, RI. There is a small, dirt parking lot to the right of the ferry terminal where you can park for about 7$ for the day. You can also bring your own bike over for a supplemental 7$ ferry fee. The ride will take about 45min to an hour each way. On the way out to the island, make sure to sit outside because the ride is extremely choppy, and even people of strong gastric fortitude are likely to succumb to motion sickness.
Date: April 2014, September 2015
Camera: Nokin D40, Canon 6D