Lyon in Photos

As I'm sure that most of you could have guessed, I like to eat. And as a country with one of the most revered food cultures, I had highly anticipated the day that I would finally be able to visit France. Yet, when that day came, I found myself in Lyon ... hot off the tail end of a bout of food poisoning. I was miserable. I had just broken my fever the day before, and I was severely dehydrated and did not know yet if I would be able to keep down solid food. But in the end, I was soon back to stuffing my face* and taking too many photos. It was the beginning of a beautiful three months in France.
*That first afternoon in Lyon, I managed to keep down a croissant that I got at the airport, so when it came time for dinner, I was like: If there's any possibility that I'm going to be disgustingly ill after eating, I AM GOING TO EAT DESSERT. So I had dessert for dinner, and it turned out to be a wonderful thing because I was not sick and because introduced to the café gourmand.
Date: September 2012
Camera: Nikon D40