
The train ride from Nice to Monaco is surprisingly short but studded with stunning views and charming, little, coastal towns. Although I didn't have time to make any stops on my way to Monaco, I promised myself that I would return the following morning just before leaving town. When that day came, as usual, I found myself slow and reluctant to rise, leaving myself only enough time to visit one place very briefly. I chose Villefranche-sur-Mer. Since I had also wanted to take once last walk through Old Town Nice before the tourists woke, I didn't have time to wander through Old Town Villefranche. But if I'm being honest, I may have breathed a huge sigh of relief over missing this early morning thigh workout. I mean, even at a quick glance, I think we can all agree how long, leisurely lunches followed by afternoon siestas came to be in some parts of the world. Next time Villefranche-sur-Mer. Next time.
Date: March 2016
Camera: Canon 6D