the Snæfellsnes Peninsula

My trip to Iceland was the most last-minute, impulsive traveling I've ever done. It was a wonderful, if sudden, opportunity, and it definitely proceeded differently than it probably would have otherwise with more advanced notice. For the entire time, I used Rekjavik as my main hub. I did want to see places outside of the city, but I also didn't feel like renting a car, so I did something that I never thought that I'd do again after high school: I joined a tour group. The people in my group were, for the most part, on the same page and really friendly. And Nigel, our tour guide, had a great sense of humor and imparted factoids that were genuinely interesting; It was the type of information that people like me, a non-guidebook-reader, would find pertinent enough to remember in the future. Overall, it was a lovely introduction to the Western Peninsula.
This is not sponsored, but anyone looking for a similar hands-off experience and curious which operator I went with, it was Reykjavik Excursions.
Date: June 2015
Camera: Canon 6D