
While researching where to eat in Toronto, there was one name that kept popping up again and again: Alo, which has been selected as the best restaurant in Canada for the past couple years. Whatever your stance is on best restaurant lists, we can at least all agree that they are good restaurants. So after looking through sample menus and diner photos, I decided that I really wanted to eat here, but I knew that getting a reservation would be a tough feat, if not nearly impossible. Being honest, I also kind of dropped the ball a little bit and forgot about reservation release day. If you can picture it, I had this moment of clarity in, of all places, the shower, where I was so immediately panic-struck that I was momentarily paralyzed before running out, dripping wet, to my laptop, where I very luckily snagged one of the last available slots during our trip. In the end, I'm so glad that we made it - it was totally worth this roller coaster of emotions.
Date: May 2018
Camera: Canon 6D, Leica Q