New Year's at Okonomi

For many, the world of savory breakfasts - and especially that which includes fish and seafood - is a strange and unfamiliar realm. Such is the menu at Okonomi, a restaurant serving Japanese breakfast in Brooklyn. Typically, it includes miso soup, a bowl of rice, and a main protein with a few side dishes. I love it. Seldom do I feel as satisfied in my need for new and varied flavors - while also being able to lie to my body that I’ve seen the light of health - as I do when I eat Japanese food. And what better than to do so for the most important meal of the day. Recently, I got to try their osechi ryori, or traditional foods eaten on New Year’s, which is a special, larger course meal that they offer during the first few days of the new year. Ah, the sweet taste of symbolic good fortune.
Date: February 2015, April 2018, January 2019
Camera: Nikon D40 (2015)