Restaurant ES

In all honesty, I have sat on these finished photos for a couple months, and for the life of me could not figure out what to write. While this was the last meal of my France 2016 trip - the final push past illness, fatigue, and just plain emotional exhaustion - I’ll admit that I was half brain dead by the time I walked through their doors. My memories being distant and vague, I do recall that I quite enjoyed this meal, a sentiment that, though generic, remains true. While I can no longer give detailed insight to this experience, here are several facts:
I’m not here to play pretend food critic.
Ultimately, my opinion doesn’t matter. No one’s does - because unless you are familiar with how strongly someone else’s likes align with your own, they cannot dictate how you will feel about something. The best I can do is show you what I was served and let you determine for yourself if it seems worth it.
Restaurants of a certain caliber are not going to serve you bad food. Criticisms of such places are mainly going to boil down to: did it fit your personal tastes, did it at least meet your expectations, and was it cost effective? All of which are still personal questions.
Having said that, without further ado, je vous présente: Restaurant ES.
Date: September 2016