Hiking in the Hooker Valley

So anyways, Hooker Valley. Although the time period spent researching for this trip was extremely overwhelming and full of heartbreaking decisions, Mount Cook at first glance made it into the final cut, and of the tramping options, the Hooker Valley Trail was high on the list. It was in part due to the amazing scenery, the short duration, and the near-guarantee to not trigger my fear of heights.
In addition to the sights and the fulfillment of what would normally be my weekly exercise quota, my friend, Amy, and I invented a new road trip game on the walk back! It's called 'Cheese and Carbs'. Exactly as it sounds, you think of as many of the cheesiest, carb-filled foods as you can, and you'll be entertained for at least an hour. I can attest! While it may be inadvisable to play while hangry, if you approach cartoon-level, ham-hock-hallucinations hunger, it can give you the motivation to walk to your next meal. And at least I now know that if all else fails, we're basically 90% of the way to successful restaurant ownership.
Hooker Lake
Mac 'n cheese, croissants au fromage, cheesecake, gougeres, cacio e pepe, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, ravioli, pommes dauphinoise........
Date: April 2017